The Star Late Edition

Horses can talk to us via symbols


AS FAR as their vocabulary is concerned, it turns out they can get across a little more than yea or neigh.

In fact, horses can be taught to talk to us directly using a series of simple symbols, say scientists. Researcher­s trained the animals to say if they were warm or cold by nuzzling the appropriat­e sign.

In an experiment, they could communicat­e when they felt chilly and needed a blanket by pointing with their heads to a symbol that contained a horizontal black line.

They were also able to say if they wanted their blanket taken off by indicating a vertical line or using a blank sign card to signal “no change”. Talking horses like Mr Ed have until now only existed in books, film and TV and riders traditiona­lly interpret the animals’ whinnies and neighs using their own intuition.

But researcher­s found 23 horses in the trial learnt to “talk” after training for just 10 to 15 minutes a day over two weeks.

The study, published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science, found that the symbol selected was not random, but dependent on the weather. Horses opted for a blanket when it was wet, windy and cold, experts at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute found.

The authors wrote: “In conclusion, horses can learn to use symbols to communicat­e their preference regarding blanketing.” – Daily Mail

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