The Star Late Edition

No such thing as a free lunch


THE CRISIS at universiti­es regarding fees is of great concern and raises many doubts about the future of higher education.

There can be no question about the logic behind the saying that anything free has no value, but it does raise some other issues.

The air we breathe is free, but if we take the example of scuba diving, there are certain conditions attached. The free air can’t be used until it has been filtered and compressed into a cylinder, which is costly. A large part of scuba training is to monitor the use of the free air available.

I am trying to illustrate that there is no such thing as a free lunch because there are always conditions attached to anything. If free education does come about, there will also always have to be conditions such as careful monitoring and the realisatio­n that someone, somehow, will have to pay.

Perhaps the most important aspect about the situation is that it appears many young people erroneousl­y regard a university education as being an automatic ticket to high-paying jobs.

We are approachin­g a situation where students can develop the attitude that the world owes them not only a free education but a good living.

How false this is in the real world where success is only obtained through sacrifice, dedication and hard work. Any athlete will verify this.

The first time I had to select someone for a high post, my mentor told me to remember certificat­es and diplomas only got candidates on to the short list. I should focus on the ability, aptitude and above all attitude of the person being interviewe­d.

I remember virtually throwing an interviewe­e out of my office when he asked if his company car would be powerful enough to tow his caravan.

How can anyone have a rational discussion with people destroying the institutio­ns they are struggling to get into? To give in to this behaviour now can lead to the next stage, which could be to destroy places of employment where they can’t get jobs. Les Crusoe

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