The Star Late Edition



THIS COMING week investors’ attention will be on the effect of the rating by Standard and Poor’s of South Africa’s sovereign debt last Friday after the market close.

The release by Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) of the country’s economic growth rate during the third quarter 2016 tomorrow and the current account balance (Q3) that will be release by the Reserve Bank on Friday will also be important.


Today: Standard Bank will release its manufactur­ing PMI for November. Tomorrow: StatsSA will publish South Africa’s third quarter GDP economic growth rate. Wednesday: The Reserve Bank will release the country’s level of foreign exchange reserves at the end of November.

Thursday: StatsSA will announce the volume of gold mining, mining and manufactur­ing production during October.

Friday: The Reserve Bank will release South Africa’s current account balance during the third quarter. FNB will announce the FNB/BER consumer confidence index for the fourth quarter.


Today: Japan: Consumer confidence index, November; EU: Composite PMI, November and retail sales, October; France: Retail sales, October; US: Balance of trade, October, services PMI, November and non-manufactur­ing PMI, November.

Tomorrow: Australia: Current account balance, Q3; Germany: Factory orders, October; EU: GDP growth rate, Q3; Canada: Balance of trade, Q3; US: Labour costs, Q3, Nonfarm productivi­ty Q3 and factory orders, October.

Wednesday: Australia: GDP growth, Q3; Japan: Leading economic index, October; Germany: Industrial production, October; UK: Manufactur­ing and industrial production, October; Canada: Interest rate decision; US: Crude oil stocks at December 2.

Thursday: Japan: GDP economic growth, Q3; Australia, China, France and Canada: Balance of trade, October; US: Weekly initial jobless claims and natural gas stocks, December 2.

Friday: China and France: Inflation rate, November; Germany and UK: Balance of trade and current account, October; US: Michigan consumer sentiment index, December, and wholesale inventorie­s, October.

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