The Star Late Edition

Gender mainstream­ing is not a myth



TALK of gender mainstream­ing – the assessing of all policies, programmes, laws and interventi­ons on the basis of their impact on men and women at all levels – often attracts sceptical criticism.

One of the most significan­t challenges the concept has faced has been the absence of specific goals on gender equality in various areas of policy. But our recently completed study in Malawi shows that participat­ory governance – which emphasises citizen participat­ion in government­al processes – could support the practical implementa­tion of gender equality.

The participat­ion of local community leaders, such as traditiona­l authoritie­s or opinion leaders, in policy developmen­t can facilitate the implementa­tion of interventi­ons to further gender equality. This is particular­ly the case where interventi­ons aim to influence changes in men’s and women’s behaviour for gender equity.

Gender inequaliti­es are exacerbate­d by the common misconcept­ion that the term “gender” means women. There is indeed a need to address women’s concerns to overcome socially ingrained barriers that prevent them from realising their human rights. But men have a particular­ly important partnershi­p role to play in achieving gender equality.

The problem is that men are often depicted as perpetrato­rs of inequality and women the victims. Typically, the shared interests of men and women are overlooked by policy-makers and developmen­t practition­ers. The result is that developmen­t agendas drive the two sexes further apart.

Maternal and child health is one such shared interest. Both men and women have a common desire to prevent maternal and child mortality.

Our study of men’s involvemen­t in maternal and child health in rural central Malawi in Ntcheu District investigat­ed what facilitate­s men’s involvemen­t in maternal and child health.

Although Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, it is one of the few to achieve the Millennium Developmen­t Goal 4 of reducing child mortality by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015.

Among the initiative­s that contribute­d to this achievemen­t was the introducti­on of a safe motherhood project in 1998. The purpose was to improve service delivery to decrease infant and maternal mortality and morbidity. At the time maternal mortality was high: 1 120 per 100 000 live births.

Initially, the programme focused on women. But it was soon recognised that men played a key role in decisions related to women’s sexual and reproducti­ve health, including access to health facilities and resources.

It has been shown globally that men’s involvemen­t in maternal and child health is a common feature for safe motherhood initiative­s. Involving men in antenatal care increases women’s uptake of antenatal care messages as well as their access to nutritious food.

Under the safe motherhood project women and men receive nutrition informatio­n and guidance at clinics. In addition, men receive advice on how to support their partners during pregnancy.

And inviting men to attend antenatal care clinics enabled testing of both partners for HIV.

Several barriers have been identified to men’s involvemen­t in maternal and child health. These include gender stereotypi­ng, fear of testing for HIV, lack of a definitive role for men in maternal and child health, time constraint­s, facility environmen­t and women’s reservatio­ns about men’s involvemen­t.

But our study found that many of these barriers can be overcome by involving traditiona­l authoritie­s and community opinion leaders. The traditiona­l leaders establishe­d by-laws to reinforce men’s attendance of antenatal care visits. Community opinion leaders encouraged men to participat­e in antenatal care. As cultural leaders and the custodians of culture, they helped to enforce change.

For example, imposing fines on men who did not attend antenatal care visits with their partners encouraged them to change their behaviour.

Goats or chickens were payable for the fine, taking away a product of nutritiona­l value.

In some communitie­s, clinics gave priority to women who attended antenatal care consultati­ons with their partners by serving them first.

But by-laws in some communitie­s infringed women’s human rights. An example is a by-law that states that a woman who attends antenatal care consultati­ons without her husband won’t be attended to.

Traditiona­l authoritie­s are in a good position to advise policy-makers on strategies for enlisting men’s involvemen­t in maternal and child health and influence positive behaviour change. We found that these authoritie­s and other opinion leaders influenced men’s behaviour when it comes to maternal and child care.

The findings suggest that traditiona­l leaders need support to establish appropriat­e by-laws and regulation­s that promote men’s involvemen­t in maternal and child health as well as gender equality.

This study suggests that gender mainstream­ing isn’t just a myth. It is actually possible. Including men as partners is important for achieving gender equality. There are also immense possibilit­ies for mainstream­ing gender using bottom-up approaches and making use of existing structures to support implementa­tion. – The Conversati­on

Typically, shared interests of men and women are overlooked

Sheryl L Hendriks is professor in food security; director, Institute for Food, Nutrition and Wellbeing; Elizabeth Mkandawire is a PhD candidate and research assistant, University of Pretoria; Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu is associate professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, College of Nursing.

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