The Star Late Edition

Essa’s racism stands out


I WAS going to reply to Azad Essa’s article in detail but cannot lower myself to do so.

For in two lines Essa gives himself away.

Not in his analysis of the report; nor in his omission of the salient fact that it was commission­ed by a UN body consisting solely of 18 Arab states and authored by two people, Virginia Tilley and Richard Faulk, notorious for their anti-Israel bias.

In two lines we see his true racism and where he stands vis-à-vis Jews.

For he has the gall to say that: “the use of apartheid removes the victimhood gifted by the ‘Holocaust industry’”. How wicked.

How evil. Mr Essa, I had family who were murdered in the Holocaust. I have a cousin who as a four-year-old was shot in a pit in Lithuania but survived because her dead mother’s murdered body protected her.

She tells her story today as an old lady. She does not see her victimhood as a gift bestowed on her by the Holocaust.

She was a victim of pure unadultera­ted hatred. Hatred that is inconceiva­ble to imagine. Hatred that resulted in actions that we battle to comprehend.

This, Mr Essa, befell my people. My fellow Jews. Brothers and sisters of my grandparen­ts. Cousins and uncles and aunts.

And it happened simply because they were Jewish. For no other reason.

You needn’t like Israel, Mr Essa. But don’t ever tell me or my people that we were given a “gift of victimhood” by the Holocaust.

In so doing you have given us the gift of understand­ing who and what you are, and from whence your lies and fabricatio­ns truly stem. Monessa Shapiro Glenhazel

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