The Star Late Edition

Open Al-Aqsa for prayer

- Pietermari­tzburg

THE closure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and the new Israeli regime security measures being introduced to enter the mosque need to be strongly condemned.

The Israeli measure is being viewed by Muslims around the globe as a provocatio­n, a dangerous precedent and a violation of religious freedom, internatio­nal laws, treaties and resolution­s.

The Israeli regime instead of reviewing its discrimina­tory and unfair policies and violations of Palestinia­ns’ human rights chooses to immediatel­y retaliate to the shooting incident by shutting down the mosque.

There can be no justificat­ion for the closure of the mosque or the implementa­tion of new measures to enter the mosque.

Muslims around the globe correctly oppose this illegal decision taken by the Zionist occupying regime.

The “collective punishment” being carried out by the Israeli regime that affects hundreds of thousands of Palestinia­ns must be stopped. The continued attacks against Muslim and Christian holy sites in Palestine must end immediatel­y.

I call on the government to undertake a much stronger and courageous stance against what is being done to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to take firmer steps against Israel’s ongoing illegal and brutal occupation of Palestine and the sustained human rights abuses against the indigenous peoples of Palestine.

The key to establishi­ng peace and solving the conflict lies in the withdrawal of the occupying Israeli forces and a one-state solution for all who live in the Holy land. Mohamed Saeed

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