The Star Late Edition

A Brics Plus may bring closer distant areas


of the Eurasian Developmen­t Bank and programme director of the Valdai Club.

“I think the most important sector here is logistics, transport, because you see, the unique nature of Brics is that the countries are on different continents and linking them in terms of roads, railways and so on, is not doable … This concept of Brics Plus, Brics Plus Plus provides a regional dimension and expands the potential cooperatio­n geography of Brics countries and their partners and allows to develop continenta­l integratio­n,” Lissovolik said. Projects In Russia’s case, according to the expert, it could mean the developmen­t of integratio­n with the Eurasian Economic Union, including projects in infrastruc­ture, logistics and transporta­tion corridors.

Another viable variant of interactio­n for those countries that are separated by great geographic­al distances mentioned at the session is the de- velopment of payment systems.

Lissovolik suggested the “financial sphere, co-operation in the banking sphere… establishm­ent of payment systems, payment cards and the possibilit­y to use national currencies more for payments” as key developmen­t possibilit­ies.

According to high commission­er for finance and investment at the Eurasian Economic Co-operation Organisati­on, Oleg Preksin, one of the most important steps toward deeper integratio­n should be the creation of a joint rating system within Brics countries.

“I would consider the establishm­ent of a joint rating agency of Brics countries, which other countries may join as a sort of a first step, a core,” Preksin said.

The high commission­er added that it would not be easy to develop trade and investment­s if one had to rely on the so-called big three rating agencies, namely Moody’s, S&P and Fitch, for the evaluation of partners’ risks. Preksin pointed out that the three agencies gave triple A ratings to a number of low quality assets in the past during the previous global crisis, but this was promptly forgotten later. Adopted According to Preksin, the Brics’ own scale would have to be approved by banks and necessary regional structures, adopted by local finance ministries and local central banks.

“Then you may develop that payment system, develop those (payment) cards, develop currencies. It is very important to develop the system of the insurance of investment­s, and this is the topic for state-private co-operation,” Preksin said.

The high commission­er noted that it would be very difficult to create a correspond­ing system through private companies due to the high costs.

“State institutio­ns usually assume responsibi­lities for political risks. This institutio­n for Brics countries is in prospect, but it is important, it will be formed,” Preksin said.

The expert said that the deeper integratio­n on a financial level was already happening, although it was not as visible as the meetings of leaders. “In fact, very important work on forming infrastruc­ture for mutually beneficial partnershi­p is going forward,” Preksin said.

The expert stressed the importance of using open architectu­re, citing the Asian Infrastruc­ture Investment Bank as an example.

The deeper co-operation would go beyond the economic sphere and could help generally improve the standards of living, according to Lissovolik.

The economist said that one of the aspects of Brics countries’ interactio­ns in the Brics Plus format is the interactio­n among their developmen­t banks, which are often orientated toward infrastruc­ture and manufactur­ing, but are also, increasing­ly, paying more attention to the developmen­t of the “human capital, education, health care, ecology-related projects.” Opportunit­y “I think it is very important that, in these spheres, this kind of format provides an opportunit­y for Brics countries to play an important role in the promotion of these larger, let’s say, ecological standards, promotion of higher social standards, the developmen­t of the human capital. This can be done by our countries based on joint financing, based on the interactio­n with new structures, such as the Brics New Developmen­t Bank,” Lissovolik said.

He said this new dimension was only beginning to gain traction and Brics countries could contribute to the promotion of the new economic integratio­n format within the global economy.

Naturally, bringing regional networks into the fold is not without its risks, and Brics countries have several reservatio­ns about this expansion.

“The main worry, I think, is the fact, and it has been voiced repeatedly, that any expansion of the Brics in any way may somehow erode or weaken the interactio­n impulse among the Brics countries themselves, within this core, may distract their attention, their energy from mutual partnershi­p to something external, enlargemen­t and so on,” Lissovolik said. The economist stressed that he did not see it as a serious threat.

“Obviously, each country that has the presidency of Brics sets out these or other projects or goals, based on its own interests. To understand, how compatible they are, we need details, and there aren’t any at the moment,” Georgy Toloraya, executive director of the Russian National Committee on Brics Research, said.

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