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Knowing how to communicat­e with your boss can help reduce friction. If you’re new to working with them, consider asking these questions upfront. However, keep in mind that their responses are not fixed; they may be circumstan­tial. For a longer-term working relationsh­ip, think over the conversati­ons that have gone well and try to ascertain what you can glean to apply in the future.

If a pattern starts emerging that perhaps your boss responds better via e-mails than in person, shift more of your communicat­ion in response. Here are three questions to ask yourself or boss to guide a happier workplace for you both:

Does my boss prefer to listen to or read updates?

Some people process better through audio. They may want to hear informatio­n first, and then possibly read about it later. On the other hand, readers prefer to see a written account before a discussion.

When I need to update them, do they want details or an overview? Do they prefer specific in-depth facts and figures or a general overview? Knowing their preference means you can determine whether to focus on the main salient points or to delve deeper.

Should I give them regular updates or only when necessary?

If a specific project doesn’t have a set calendar for updates, you’ll need to figure out the frequency that will work best for your boss. Some people like to stay in the loop even when their input or feedback isn’t critical. Others may prefer check-ins sporadical­ly or when absolutely required.

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