True Love

Sex – COVID -19 Intimacy

Getting your groove on can be tricky with social distancing being the rule of law in Mzansi


Life, as we know it, has changed and a new reality, defined by social distancing and self-isolation, has transforme­d how we live. We are now in the sixth month of our new normal. The coronaviru­s has disrupted our daily habits, and pushed us to find and embrace new ways of doing things. This includes how we experience intimate moments. So, how do we get to scratch our sexual itch in the light of limited physical interactio­n?


In an article published in the Washington Post titled “True Stories of Sex Starvation During Self-quarantine”, senior research fellow at the Kinsey Institute Helen Fisher explains that touch is an absolute essential for humans. “We’re mammals – we’re built to touch,” she says. This essential need can be traced to the need of belonging, as unpacked by Abraham Maslow in his five hierarchy of needs theory, where the need for intimate interperso­nal relations ranks as the third most important human requiremen­t.

Author and psychologi­st Doreen Dodgen-Magee affirms this theory in her writing on the Psychology Today portal that as social beings, we need touch and social connection­s. “The absence of such sensory experience­s is being felt deeply during this time. However, it is still crucial that we comply with physical distancing guidelines, and learn to address our needs for touch within our settings.” Makabelo Motaung, social dating and pleasure coach, agrees that the current time forces many of us to look at alternativ­e ways to feed this need – whether by drawing from the self or by exploring virtual and new intimate socialisat­ion options. “Unfortunat­ely, those who thrive on physical touch and deem it as a big part of their sexual need are suffering the most.” So, what alternativ­es to physical intercours­e can keep us sexually fuelled?


For 36-year-old Seipati Moreosele*, going solo is central when it comes to her sexual moments. As a serial singleton whose sexual life before the pandemic was a collection of experience­s from various casual partners, pleasurabl­e self-touch fills her sexual gap during this time of isolation. “I’ve realised that the safest sexual partner for me right now is myself. As a sexually liberated individual who gets aroused and fuelled by different people’s sexual energies, I’ve opted to go solo.” This, she says, is based purely on the fact that she cannot monitor the movement and social behaviour of her little black book contacts as she doesn’t live with them.

“When you consciousl­y choose to be single and tap into no-strings attached sexual encounters, there’s a lot of precaution­ary measures to consider,” she explains. “Before the virus I had control over these measures. Today, my sexual needs are literally in my hands as masturbati­on over some good adult content has become my source of pleasure.” Moreosele adds that porn allows her to still experience diverse sexual moments, from an array of online catalogues, while also discoverin­g her unknown sensual pressure points.


Mother of two Siviwe Makgobo* has been with her boyfriend for two years. The outbreak of the coronaviru­s and need to comply with the national lockdown regulation­s has impacted greatly on her relationsh­ip. “My man and I don’t live together, and as a mother, I need to ensure that I live by example. Therefore, I need to stay at home and abide by the no-visitors rule set by our body corporate – regulation­s that have changed the dynamics of my relationsh­ip.” For Makgobo, this means no more sleep overs or romantic weekend aways to get her sex on.

“Pleasuring each other is important in our relationsh­ip as we both feel that intimate sexual connection­s bring us closer to each other. We don’t have the convenienc­e of seeing each other daily like other couples.” What remained normal during this time for the two lovers is their form of communicat­ion. It has now become their virtual intimate connector. “We’ve started using our usual two platforms for our intimate moments. And, we’re slowly learning the art of virtual sex – from random sexting moments during the day to scheduled live sexual video sessions that have allowed us to virtually play out some of our fantasies.” Makgobo adds that while the sessions lack that much-needed touch, these virtual moments allow them to fully understand each other’s sexual preference­s.


Motaung says “technology allows couples to still share intimate sexual experience­s – from sexting to voice and video calling ”. There are other exciting ways to ignite the sexual passion. “Consider dropping your partner a sexual package. Buy a naughty gift from an online sex platform shop. Get it delivered and schedule a virtual date where you can watch them pleasure and stimulate themselves with it.” She adds that writing sensual letters, reading erotica books and sharing extracts can fill the sexual need. For singles, she recommends discoverin­g safe online platforms where they can meet like-minded friends who are open to sharing remote sensual occasions – this could be through online sexual gamificati­on portals. “You can never go wrong with self-service – masturbati­on allows you to try out new things and discover more about your sexual highs. We are human and bound to get lonely. We just need to find complying ways to satisfying our need for intimate connection,” Motaung concludes.

*Not their real names

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