True Love


The same quality and taste you love, with an updated look – Clover Fresh Milk now comes in blue milk bottles.


Have you noticed something blue in the milk fridge? When you go to the store to pick up your bottle of Clover Fresh Milk, look out for the brand-new, light blue bottle with updated artwork.

It’s just a little something extra to freshen up the look – with the same quality milk that you love and trust.

You can rest assured, when you buy a new blue bottle of Clover Fresh Milk, you’ll get the same taste and nutritiona­l benefits as before. The bottle just has a fresh colour and a few nips and tucks!

And for those families who use less milk, you now have more choice, as Clover launched a 1.5L Fresh Milk bottle – also in blue. It’s the perfect size for couples or small families.


Clover Fresh Milk is unique. Not all milk is equal, so you can feel good knowing you chose the best product nature can produce.

This is because of the stringent tests and production processes it undergoes. Every litre of Clover Fresh Milk undergoes 55 quality tests to ensure that your milk is packed with taste and nutrition. Plus, Clover Fresh Milk lasts longer!


You’re guaranteed of the product’s extended shelf life, so it’s a smart buy too. Clover makes sure that your milk stays fresh from farm to table – and for longer too. Everything starts with the way the milk is collected, followed by indepth purificati­on processes and cooling measures. Clover Fresh Milk stays fresh for up to 18 days and its Ultra Pasteurise­d Milk stays fresh for up to 30 days.

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