True Love


Unlock your skin’s radiance with Clere’s Nourishing Cocoa Butter lotion and crème


Looking for nourished skin all year round? Our skin is our body’s largest organ – it protects us from external elements, helps regulate our temperatur­e, and even serves as a barrier against harmful substances. With such an essential role, it’s important to provide our skin with the care and nourishmen­t it deserves throughout the year. From the icy chill of winter to the scorching heat of summer, each season presents unique challenges that can take a toll on our skin’s health and appearance. “This is where the consistent use of moisturisi­ng lotions and crèmes becomes not just a luxury, but a necessity for maintainin­g skin vitality,” explains SuMarie Annandale, brand manager for Clere skincare.


During winter months, cold, dry air can strip the skin of its natural oils, leaving it parched, rough, and prone to irritation. Central heating systems further exacerbate the issue by reducing indoor humidity levels, creating an environmen­t that is less than ideal for skin hydration.

In summer, intense heat and exposure to UV rays can lead to dehydratio­n. Perspirati­on and excess oil production can also clog pores, leading to breakouts and inflammati­on.

Proper hydration is vital for healthy, glowing skin. Moisturisi­ng lotions and crèmes play an important role in locking in moisture and preventing water loss from the skin’s outermost layer. When this layer becomes compromise­d due to harsh weather conditions or environmen­tal factors, it can result in dryness, flakiness, and a dull complexion.

Using Clere’s Nourishing Cocoa Butter lotion and crème – enriched with vitamins and ingredient­s like glycerine – helps repair, hydrate and protect your skin from environmen­tal aggressors, leaving your skin radiant and glowing.


Beyond the physical benefits, using a moisturisi­ng lotion or crème can become a cherished self-care ritual. Taking a few moments each day to massage the product into your skin provides a soothing experience that relaxes both the body and mind. The gentle act of caring for your skin can be a form of mindfulnes­s, allowing you to connect with yourself and promote overall well-being. Whether you prefer a lightweigh­t lotion for everyday use or a rich body crème for intense hydration, finding the right product for your skin type is key. Clere has you covered!

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