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Boost the health of your curls and coils with these moisture-boosting hair-care tips.


Caring for natural hair in winter requires special attention due to the cold, dry air that can lead to breakage and dryness. Here are tips to take your hair though this season.

1. Moisturise regularly: Hydration is key. Use a moisturisi­ng shampoo and conditione­r then a leave-in conditione­r to keep your hair hydrated. Use heavier moisturise­rs, like creams or butters, to lock in moisture.

2. Protective styling: Opt for protective styles like braids, twists, or ponytails to minimise exposure to harsh conditions. Not only do these help to retain moisture, but they also protect your ends from breakage.

3. Deep-condition weekly: Deep-conditioni­ng treatments are essential for replenishi­ng moisture and restoring vitality. Use a deep conditione­r once a week.

4. Limit heat styling: Minimise using heat styling tools, like flat irons and blow dryers, as they can further dry out your hair. If you must use heat, always use a heat protectant spray, and keep the temperatur­e low.

5. Cover your hair: Wear hats, scarves, or satin-lined caps to protect your hair from harsh weather conditions and prevent moisture loss. Satin-lined caps are beneficial as they help retain moisture and reduce friction, which can cause breakage.

6. Seal in moisture: Seal in the moisture with oils such as jojoba, coconut, and argan. These help to lock in moisture and keep your hair hydrated throughout the day.

7. Avoid overwashin­g: Washing your hair too frequently in winter can strip it of its natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage. Wash it no more than once or twice a week, using shampoos that are gentle.

8. Stay hydrated: Hydrate your body from the inside out by drinking plenty of water. This helps to keep your scalp and hair hydrated, promoting overall hair health.

9. Trim regularly: Regular trims are essential for getting rid of split ends and preventing breakage. Trim your hair every 8-12 weeks to maintain healthy ends. 10. Protect your hair while sleeping:

Use a satin or silk pillowcase or wrap your hair in a satin scarf before going to bed. This helps to prevent friction and moisture loss, keeping your hair healthy and hydrated.

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