TV Plus (South Africa)

David Samson (45)


Currently: president of pro baseball team the Miami Marlins. Wish item: sleeping pills. He says: I’m viewing these 39 days as a baseball season. You can’t win at the very start, but you certainly can lose it. Jeff’s thoughts: Dave’s decisions involve millions of dollars. The other 17 don’t live in his world and don’t play his game – he’s got to live in theirs to win. Currently: profession­al poker player. Wish item: a photo of [any] pretty woman. He says: I devoted my life to this adventure and people will see that. Jeff’s thoughts: Garrett is probably the brightest castaway and most physically fit, but he’s unable to see that people see through his bravado. He is going to come across as disingenuo­us.


Currently: nuclear engineer. Wish item: bags of mintflavou­red candy. She says: I’m going to be relatable to the others. But I’m going to be complainin­g. “It’s hot. I’m tired. Shut up. Leave me alone.” Jeff’s thoughts: J’Tia is a big question mark. I get many different women when I talk to her and what I want to know is: which J’Tia will show up? Currently: lawyer. Wish item: my daughter’s princess towel. She says: I was going to be the mom villain. I like to cheat and win a lot. Jeff’s thoughts: Kass is another question mark. I don’t think she knows who she is going to be. If Kass comes out and tries to be the clever one or tries to be the villain, it’s not going to work. Currently: economics student. Wish item: a chessboard. He says: I’ve always said I wanted to play this game with idiots and that’s what I’ve been provided with. Jeff’s thoughts: He has zero chance of winning. Spencer has no clue about how he comes across: young, arrogant and he thinks that he is the smartest guy to walk the face of the planet.

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