TV Plus (South Africa)

Alexis Maxwell (21)


Currently: varsity student. Wish item: more than one bikini. She says: If the guys keep you around because you get them a little excited, then why not? Jeff’s thoughts: I’m going to root for Alexis to do better than I think she will. I think she will be outplayed by someone with more life experience. For her, I’d want to align with guys. Currently: social worker. Wish item: body spray and lip balm. He says: From the looks of the other castmates, they are going to need somebody to make them laugh. They need a little Brice in their life. Jeff’s thoughts: I don’t know if he can win. I don’t know if he can last. But I like Brice because he knows who he is. He’ll show that it matters what is inside as much as outside beauty. Currently: student and exMiss Kentucky Teen USA. Wish item: a photo of my family. She says: I don’t feel like I have to have the guys to survive out here. Jeff’s thoughts: Of all the young kids, Jefra has the best shot of winning. She is attractive, she has this spark of life that you just want to hug, but she has been through stuff. And she has been outdoors – she hunts, she fishes… Currently: model. Wish item: a personal letter from my mom. He says: I’m from North Carolina. And my dad taught me to hunt. I think I’ve been modelling for about eight years. Jeff’s thoughts: Jeremiah will charm the women and he’s not afraid to get dirty and he’s not going to rely on his looks. But then you get the feeling that he could always just be that guy who goes, “I’m a good-looking dude.” Currently: horse trainer. Wish item: chewy Starburst candy. He says: I don’t think that people initially see me as the smart guy. That’s why I’ve got to dummy down and just outsmart the smartest kid. Jeff’s thoughts: LJ is aware that he is physically strong, that he’s good looking and that he is good with people. I think that he’s aware of how people see him and that will help his game. Currently: student and ex-NFL cheerleade­r. Wish item: a razor – hairy legs are such a no! She says: I’m a flirt. I have to be. Jeff’s thoughts: Morgan could be the biggest fish out of water out here. She gets what she wants because of how she looks, how she behaves. But out here, on Survivor, no one cares. What you need on Survivor is a lot more than pretty hair.

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