TV Plus (South Africa)

A fool for love

Lehasa steals Sonti’s money and then dumps her again.


Weekdays SABC1 (*191) 18:30

Naïve businesswo­man Sonti’s (Pearl Maimela) plans were to dominate the nut industry. Her strategy was to start off small and when she knew more about the business, she’d branch off to the world. That was until she met her power-hungry boyfriend Lehasa (Cedric Fourie), who conned her out of a portion of her nut distributi­on company without her realising in March 2017 – he got her to sign paperwork giving him control. ANd he’s not finished – on Friday 23 June he plans a party for the company and he’s going con her again. Except this time, Sonti’s wide away and learns about his shady ways. “She is blown away! Lehasa is launching Maphosa Nuts after renaming it from Sonti M Nuts. He doesn’t even have the decency to invite her,” says Pearl. For once, Sonti questions Lehasa’s strange actions and “she realises that Lehasa has pulled wool over her eyes. Sonti confronts him in front of his guests about stealing her nut business but he lies so that they can still be together,” explains Pearl.


Sonti is furious and demands answers, but he plays it cool and pretends like everything is okay on Tuesday 27 June. He manipulate­s her into moving away from the guests and into another room to talk to her in private. “Lehasa tells his guests that Sonti’s lying while fooling her by assuring her that it’s a big misunderst­anding,” explains Pearl. He later gives Sonti his computer password to “prove to her that he’s telling the truth,” says Pearl. “Sonti believes him and thinks that she might’ve judged him prematurel­y.” Since their first meeting in December 2016, Sonti’s been in love with Lehasa and has always wanted to be part of his business empire. She’ll do anything to keep him in her life and “she overlooks the truth when it comes to Lehasa and her business. She believes that they can make things work.”


After getting away with his mischief, lying Lehasa tells Sonti on Wednesday 28 June that he’s lost her money that she asked him to put in an investment company. Sonti thought that she’d be able to start another nut distributi­on business with this money after the first one didn’t work out and “she’s terrified. Sonti doesn’t know what to do with her life now that things aren’t working out again,” says Pearl, adding that Sonti crushed her family’s heart when she lost her company in March. The Magongwas have never trusted Lehasa for his devious ways. On Thursday 29 June, Lehasa tells Sonti that she won’t have access to the investment company’s website and Pearl explains that “Lehasa tells her there’s no way of making contact with the owners. She feels horrible but he promises to get her money back’’.


Now that Lehasa has all that he wants from Sonti – her company and money – he can get rid of her. On Monday 3 July she surprises him with a visit at his restaurant Café Rovuwa for a surprise date. “He realises that he can’t play these games with her anymore. Lehasa dumps Sonti and tells her to go back to Turfloop to find someone who loves her,” explains Pearl. Sonti struggles to come to grips with his decision – “She’s crushed! Sonti realises that everything with Lehasa was never real. She’s a mess and plans to make amends with everyone she’s hurt,” hints Pearl. And that includes her cop ex-boyfriend Babeile (Matthews Manamela)…

 ??  ?? Sonti loses her cool and lashes out at Lehasa at his party.
Sonti loses her cool and lashes out at Lehasa at his party.
 ??  ?? Lehasa is a snake at every turn.
Lehasa is a snake at every turn.

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