TV Plus (South Africa)

Your Honor


Season 1 M-Net (*101) 21:30 Drama

Bryan Cranston accepts that he’ll always be known as teacher-turned-druglord Walter White in drama series Breaking Bad (2008-2013), but it’s not holding him back. “I audition for everything that hits my desk and makes me read. I was as excited to play Judge Michael Desiato in Your Honor (2020) as when I first read Breaking Bad,” explains the 65-year-old. “I do see parallels between Michael and Walter, in that they do very bad things to do good. They’re broken and that attracts me to roles.”

While he doesn’t portray the lifestyle 1 of the rich and famous, Bryan is Hollywood born and bred – he has lived in Tinseltown his entire life and his parents Annalisa and Joseph were small-time actors and radio performers. Bryan based Walter’s physical appearance 2 on his father. “He walked out on us when I was 11. He had the weight of the world on his shoulders and he took on so much because he could give us so little and it hurt him. That weight was terrible,” says Bryan. He didn’t have to study too much 3 to play science teacher Walter – he was a member of the science club while attending Canoga Park High School and Los Angeles Valley College.

Bryan wasn’t very sporty growing 4 up and he needed two months to learn to roller-skate for an episode of comedy series Malcolm In The Middle (2000-2006) where he played dad Hal. He was Zordon in live-action sci-fi 5 film Power Rangers (2017), but his ties to the superhero franchise go back further – he voiced various characters in the animated Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series (1993-1996).

 ??  ?? Bryan Cranston finds similariti­es between his new role (main) and playing Walter White (inset).
Bryan Cranston finds similariti­es between his new role (main) and playing Walter White (inset).

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