Village Talk



Whether you are renovating your current home or searching for a new home, the kitchen is a crucial space to get right.

As one of the most expensive rooms to fix, the kitchen can make or break your overall enjoyment of the home.

Adrian Goslett, regional director and chief executive officer of RE/ MAX of Southern Africa, encourages homeowners to think carefully about what their dream kitchen would look like long before they purchase a home.

Kitchen and property value “Property is a great long-term investment strategy. To maximise the profit you stand to make on the home, you want to live in the home for at least five to ten years.

“This is why it is helpful to have a clear idea of what is important to you before you purchase a home or begin a renovation,” he explains.

When it comes to finding or creating the perfect kitchen, Goslett says that the stakes get much higher because it is one of the rooms many homeowners spend most of their time in.

“Getting the kitchen wrong or buying a home where the kitchen does not function well will have a big impact on everyday life – this is why real estate agents will often say that kitchens sell houses,” he notes.

Factors to consider

To help homeowners get the kitchen right, RE/MAX of Southern Africa encourages them to carefully consider the following questions:

• What are your current and future needs? For example, how much space you will need might be affected by whether your family will be growing or shrinking in the next five to ten years.

• How often do you cook? If you are a foodie, then you will need a kitchen with countertop space for prepping and storage space for all your cookware and appliances. If not, then perhaps a small kitchen with space for a microwave will work perfectly well for you.

• Do you like to entertain? This could affect whether you need an open-plan kitchen with an island where guests can gather around while you finish preparing the meal. If you prefer going out, then it might not matter if the kitchen is separate from your living and dining areas.

• How important is the design? For example, do you have strong preference­s for a neutral kitchen, or do you prefer one with bold colours? If design matters to you, are you willing to renovate, or do you want to find a home with a move-in-ready kitchen? “By working out the answers to these questions, you will not only create a clearer picture of what your dream kitchen will look like, but you are also creating a wish list that will help a real estate profession­al find you the perfect match so much quicker.

“To ensure that the outcome is a success, it is always advisable to have a clear picture of what you want before undertakin­g any renovation or starting the hunt for a new home,” Goslett said. - Caxton

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