Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Aloha meets ubuntu as Hawaiian canoe visits

Worldwide Voyage reminds locals of the thread that binds us altogether


playing the “songs we sing in Hawaii”.

Shaun Tomson, Ferrar reports, said: “Eddie’s experience showed him that there was a lot of love for him in South Africa and that not everyone supported apartheid.”

According to Ferrar, the enduring feeling for the Holmes’ family, as voiced by one of the daughters, Jodi Wilmott (now general manager of the World Surf League), was that “racial boundaries were actually dissolved” and a powerful bond was created “that has since touched the various generation­s and lives of our families – a thread that Eddie wove and continues to weave in our lives today”.

She said she thought “it’s a story that does exactly what the Worldwide Voyage is trying to accomplish: sewing a thread around the world that ultimately ties us all together as one human race on Island Earth.”

Apparently, when the Hokule‘a was docked in Durban before sailing for Cape Town, a song written and sung by Eddie was played to the crew.

He sings a Hawaiian ballad to honour the Holmes family, recorded on a small recorder that Jodi’s mom had given him.

“Long time ago, in South Africa, met this family. Oh, I was lost, and had no place to go. They took took me in, and made me their friend, and shared their love with me.”

He sings about being able to return this love when they visit him in Hawaii years later. Affirming story, eh?

Weather Tip

HUGE swell arrives today as the rain clears and a moderately fresh south wind blows. Solid 4’ swell in False Bay but mild onshores are messy. Tomorrow the swell drops to 6-8’ in moderate bumpy SW to W winds, but hope for some fun 2-4’ lines at Muizenberg.

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