Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)



Contract: 4 by South Opening Lead: 4. What is your plan? Recommende­d Line: You can see four possible losers: one in each suit. If you were to win the first trick, and lead trumps (knee-jerk actions on the part of many players), East could win the first trump trick, and return a heart to West.

Now, a club through dummy could be the first of two losing finesses in the minors – if it is your “unlucky” day, which it always seems to be.

Fortunatel­y, you can overcome the slings and arrows of misfortune by playing low at trick one.

East wins, and returns a heart. You win on table, and lead trumps. East wins, and tries to reach West via a heart, to receive a club lead.

But you ruff, complete the drawing of trumps, and finesse in diamonds. This loses (as always seems to be the case when you are declarer), but the club finesse (which would fail) is not needed. Those sparkling diamonds see you home.

What has luck got to do with it?

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