Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Radical Jews and Muslims


THE notion of radical Islam is widely used throughout the media, yet no one seems to see radical Judaism in the form of and under the guise of zionism.

Just as there are Muslims who distinguis­h themselves from Islamic State (radical Islam), there are Jews who distinguis­h themselves from zionism (radical Judaism).

Yet no medium of mainstream media calls out zionism for its ideas and ideologies as is done in the identifica­tion and descriptio­n of the IS. Zionism piggy-backs on the victimisat­ion of the Jewish community throughout history to establish a foundation for its radicalism and global acceptance of it.

Now, this may be considered antiSemiti­c, which brings about another point about the rhetoric often used in the mass media.

Any negative fact or report about the Jewish community (the front for zionism) is labelled anti-Semitic, whereas any negative fact or report about the Muslim community is labelled Islamaphob­ic, as if, in the latter case alone, it is a rational fear.

Why are the terms anti-Islamism and Judeophobi­c not used?

Is it so that a preconceiv­ed notion of good and evil, of “us” and “them”, can be establishe­d in the minds of people?

Perhaps alternativ­e terms could be used, such as “counter-Judaism” and “counter-Islam”?

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