Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)



ACROSS: 3 Which gas, when combined with oxygen, forms water (8)

7 What is a dead body known as (6)

8 Which term describes impetus, as of a moving body (8)

9 Which volatile liquid is used extensivel­y as a fuel (6)

10 Name those in the armed forces who hold a commission (8) 11 What is a long, narrow mark or the like (6)

14 When one pastures livestock for payment, one does what (6) 17 To have expressed sorrow, is to have done what (8)

18 To tell, is to do what (6)

19 To contemplat­e, one might do what (8)

20 Which planet is sixth in order from the sun (6)

21 What are rows of adjoining, identical houses (8)

DOWN: 1 Name a European mammal of the weasel family (7) 2 To confirm or sanction, is to do what (7)

3 Which poison did Socrates take (7)

4 To be swaying about, is to be doing what (7)

5 Which channels lie at the roadsides (7)

6 Name an agent of retributio­n (7) 11 To be able to pay all just debts, is to be what (7)

12 What, perhaps, might we call a rubber (7)

13 What is loss of memory known as (7)

14 Name the place where a person lives (7)

15 To expand currency unduly, is to do what (7)

16 Name the characteri­stic dispositio­n of the constituen­t parts of any body (7)

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