Woolworths TASTE

Doughs and don’ts

Make your loaves the best they can be


If your house is very cold and you’re worried your dough won’t rise, turn on the oven to its lowest setting, open the door and prove the bread in front of it.

When slashing or scoring the top of your dough before baking, use a very sharp utility knife or blade so that it doesn’t release too much air. You can spray the knife with cooking spray to make sure the dough doesn’t stick to the knife, or use a sharp pair of scissors to snip the top of the loaf or roll.

If you think the dough can prove for longer; let it. Don’t rush the process.

Always knead with wet hands, not floured ones, as this won’t add any extra flour to the bread and make it heavy.

If you have time, use half the specified amount of yeast and double the proving time. This will result in a less yeasty-tasting loaf.

Dough freezes well in Ziploc bags. To use, defrost overnight in the fridge or at room temperatur­e for a few hours.

Always add salt to bread dough as it changes the texture of the crumb and adds flavour. However, don’t add too much as this will deactivate the yeast.

Make sure you use a good-quality flour that has germ and protein, which will help it to rise. Add ¼ t ground ginger or 1 T good-quality apple cider vinegar to 2 cups flour to help it rise.

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