YOU (South Africa)

Wardrobe hacks

Tired of your cupboard looking as if a tornado has hit it and having to toss out perfectly wearable items because of small blemishes? Try these clever tips


It might be easier to fold underwear and T-shirts flat in your drawers – but if you do that you see only the top item and have to scratch around to see what lies beneath. Packing your garments vertically makes a lot more sense: not only will you have more space in your drawer, you’ll be able to see exactly what’s where in a flash.

2 Add a coat of clear nail polish to buttons to keep the thread from unravellin­g so the button won’t fall off.

3 Spotted some bobbles on your trusty cardigan or jersey? Grab your razor! Stretch the garment out and gently run the blade along the surface to remove pesky bobbles (aka pilling) and stubborn fluff.

4 Stopped using your leather bag or shoes because they’re stained? Whip up a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water, dip a soft cloth in the solution and gently rub the stains. Allow to dry, then buff with a soft dry cloth.

5 Need to zap a wrinkle from your clothes but don’t have time to drag out the ironing board? Your hair straighten­er to the rescue! Plug it in, heat it then carefully guide it over the wrinkle to smooth it out. A hairdryer can work too.

6 Before wearing them for the first time, run your nylon tights under water for a few seconds, squeeze out the excess water and freeze overnight in a plastic bag. Allow to thaw gradually before wearing. This is a great way to prolong their life.

7 Spilt bleach on your favourite black dress or jeans? Colour in bleach stains with a black permanent or laundry marker and the garment will look good as new.

8 We get it: it’s hard to throw stuff away – you never know when you’re going to wear that little black number you bought 10 years ago, even if you haven’t worn it for five years! But hoarding can leave us strapped for wardrobe space. Here’s a clever way to make your hangers work harder: snap off the opener-tag on a cooldrink can and hook it on a hanger so you can hang a second hanger a little lower. You can add multiple tags so your clothes fit neatly inside your cupboard.

9 Love vintage clothing? To make sure second-hand wool or fur garments don’t bring a colony of moths into your cupboard, put them in the freezer for a few hours before packing them away.

10 We all know the drill ‒ you wear your favourite dress, toss it into the wash and when you check again it has fluff all over it. You don’t need a fancy lint roller to get rid of the stuff though – just a piece of masking tape. Wrap a strip around your fingers, sticky side out, and gently pat the fabric to remove the lint. Works every time!

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