YOU (South Africa)



Wholegrain­s are packed with goodness: they contain plenty of fibre – which promotes digestion – minerals and B vitamins, starch, protein and good fats.

Used in food, wholegrain­s are virtually the same as in nature: hardly processed or changed. They still have all three layers: the bran which contains fibre and antioxidan­ts; the endosperm which has starch and protein; and the germ with its B vitamins, minerals and good fats.

The best choice is whole-kernel intact grains that haven’t been processed. Flour should preferably be stonegroun­d because it doesn’t heat up during the slow grinding process or get bleached, so it retains all its goodness. Buy wholegrain­s that are high in fibre.

Refined grains have been stripped of their bran and germ, leaving the endosperm which contains all the starch. As far as possible try to avoid processed foods, pastries and cakes or anything instant. These products have given grains a bad name.

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