YOU (South Africa)

A worthy cause


I’m responding to the letter in a recent issue regarding the people who make a living from sorting trash.

Last year we had a terrible tragedy at our school where a young boy of 13 died in a horrific accident on the soccer field during the schoolday. Before his death this boy had begun an initiative to help trash collectors in various ways.

Each child at our school got to decorate a dustbin and take it home. Each week we sort out the boxes and plastics from our trash and put it into the dustbins, which are placed outside on the day our trash is collected. This makes it easier for the collectors and prevents them having to sift through trash. Also, collection points are being set up to help these hard workers to carry their goods to the depots.

This special boy passed away just before his plan came to fruition. The initiative was launched in his name and honour, and has come to be known as Hugo’s Greenhood.

Please take time to check out the Facebook page. The initiative has now been extended to other schools in our area.

Such a special young soul thought to provide dignity to these hard-working men who are aiding our world to be a greener place. ROBYN, HIGHLANDS NORTH

Every Friday our garbage is collected and we have hungry people scratching in bags. Ever since seeing a young girl with a tiny baby strapped to her back looking for food a few years back I’ve been putting aside every scrap of food not eaten plus a few essentials and a sweetie which I give to a young boy once a week. His smile is all I need.

It’s tough on us as well. My hubby is too ill to work. I was retrenched and am past my sell-by date but I’ll continue doing this for as long as I can. I love seeing his face when I hand him clothes or blankets.

It’s a great feeling and a good thing to do for your fellow man. Go on, try it. KAT, PORT ELIZABETH

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