YOU (South Africa)



I met a woman three months ago on a blind date. I thought the date went well as she suggested we go to bed together at the end of it, but I declined as I didn’t want to rush things and wanted to get to know her.

The next time I asked her out she made up an excuse, and then it happened again a second and third time. So eventually I gave up.

I’ve since heard from friends of mine who know her that she told them I’m a “cold fish” and that she thought things were going well but that I didn’t really seem to be into women! I couldn’t believe my ears! What should I do? Arnold, email

Your instincts are right – becoming intimate too early in a relationsh­ip can deprive both partners of the pleasure of getting to know the other person. This lady obviously has her priorities wrong.

The best way for a good, sound relationsh­ip to develop is meeting each other, getting to know each other as people without the complicati­ons that a sexual relationsh­ip can bring, then moving towards greater intimacy.

It may sound old-fashioned but it’s still the recipe that works the best.

Human beings make me think of the layers of an onion. On the outside you see one thing and as you peel back each layer the onion can become more sweet and tasty or may burn your eyes and not be to your taste.

It’s during the process of peeling away the layers that trust and loyalty are forged in a relationsh­ip.

I think you should just move on. The two of you obviously have different values.

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