YOU (South Africa)



I spent 15 years living in the UK. When my family returned to SA, many people thought we were mad.

But in my last few years in the UK, I always had a troubling feeling that whether I was there or not made no difference. If I left my job someone would do it equally well, my house would have new tenants, my contributi­on to the economy would be filled by a never-ending line of others. I couldn’t shake the feeling that my life in a first world country had no impact.

In the 10 years since I’ve been back, I’ve seen many things that upset me, but now I feel like I can make an impact. I help those I can, smile kindly at those I see struggling and thank those who help me. My eyes are open and I look at the world with compassion and a heart that wants to help.

My children are exposed to diversity and as a result they are tolerant, patient, giving, and kind. How proud I am when my daughters tell me they’ve given their tuck shop money to other kids who didn’t have, or when they greet and smile at the invisible people we pass daily.

Some may say it’s a heavy burden to see others’ hardships, but how amazing is it to see your family grow in compassion for others.

I stand by my view that SA has some of the kindest people in the world, chiselled by the unique environmen­t we live in. So many are doing such amazing things from putting domestic workers’ kids through school to feeding the homeless and taking in abandoned babies.

To those who can, I urge you to widen your net a little more. You never know what that “you’re going to be okay” look or that R100 discreetly passed to someone with the weight of the world on his or her shoulders will do.

Now I feel that my life makes a difference, that beyond my immediate family and circle of friends, I’m doing my small bit to bring a little light and hope.


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