Your Baby & Toddler



Now that your baby is older, you can start institutin­g a fixed bedtime. Also do this during the day to start regulating her sleeping pattern.

(It is, however, more important to set a night routine first; so work on that first before you start breaking your head about specific nap times during the day.)

Your baby can go to bed between six and eight at night – if she gets to bed later than this, she might be overtired and struggle to fall asleep. Even if she doesn’t look like she’s tired, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t have to go to sleep.

If you haven’t set a bedtime ritual, it is important to do so now. The routine can include a bath, a gentle game, song or lullaby – whatever your family prefers, as long as you do it every night in the same order and at the same time. Children thrive on routine!

You can now start using the cot or bassinet during the day if this is where you want her to sleep eventually – especially since she could start rolling over soon. The sleeping patterns of babies of this age range vary from a deep to a lighter sleep, and they’ll still wake up at night without them necessaril­y being hungry or thirsty.

If you want your baby to sleep through the night without calling for you, now’s the time to start teaching her how to get herself back to sleep without you hushing her, putting her to the breast or giving her a bottle or a dummy.

Here’s a strategy:

Put your baby down while she’s still awake so that she starts learning to fall asleep by herself. If she cries in the night, and you’re sure she’s full, dry and healthy, wait five minutes before going to her. If she’s still crying, go to her room, gently pat her on the back, and tell her that everything is okay, but that it’s time to go back to sleep. Don’t pick her up, and stay calm yet firm. Wait about five minutes, and repeat this routine. Do it again until she falls asleep again, and wait a little longer every time before you go back to her.

If this routine doesn’t work for you, rock and soothe her, lie in bed with her or breastfeed her until her face relaxes and it’s clear she’s sleeping deeply.

Whatever you choose, make sure to stick to your bedtime routine so that your baby knows that by this time every night it’s time for bed.

It takes about ten minutes for babies of this age to be soundly asleep. So if she fell asleep in your arms, a car seat or pram, wait for ten minutes before putting her down in her own bed.

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