Your Pregnancy



The sciatic nerve passes through the buttocks and into the thighs and supplies the muscles of the lower leg. This includes the calf, ankle, and the area behind the knee. It also supplies feeling to the sole of the foot, the ankle, the entire lower leg, and the back of the thigh.

Sciatica refers to back pain caused by a problem with the sciatic nerve. When there is injury or pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can cause pain in the lower back that extends further and includes the hip, buttocks, and leg. The pain of sciatica is usually felt from the lower back, to the area behind the thigh and can radiate down below the knee.

It makes sense then that during pregnancy the weight and position of your baby could cause pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing anything from a mild ache, to a sharp, burning feeling, or excruciati­ng discomfort that affects your ability to walk. Feelings of tingling, numbness and weakness may also occur along with the pain. Some women have described the pain as a sudden jolt or electric shock. At times you may feel pain in one area of your leg and have numbness in another area of the same limb. Often it is only one side of the body that is affected. Sitting for long periods of time and coughing or sneezing may bring on an attack of sciatica.

Lower back pain which worsens at night may be the result of the uterus putting pressure on the vena cava blood vessel causing venous congestion in the pelvis and lumbar spine, which could affect the sciatic nerve root.

Because it is not easy to move your baby off the sensitive spot, sciatic nerve pain may only be fully relieved in the months following the birth of your baby, as you shed your excess weight and you lose the excess fluid retention so typical of pregnancy. YP

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