Your Pregnancy

Month 6: Coping with constipati­on

Constipati­on during pregnancy can make you feel sluggish and uncomforta­ble. Why does it happen, and what can you do about it?


Your body produces more female hormones than usual while you’re pregnant. These hormones have the important job of ensuring that your pregnancy develops as it should, but their presence does cause some unwelcome side effects. One of them is increased constipati­on.

More than four days between bowel movements.

Dry, hard stools that are painful and difficult to pass.

If you’re left with a feeling that not everything has passed when you do have a bowel movement.

If there’s bleeding from the rectal area when hard stools have been passed. Lack of appetite and not being able to face food.

Bloating of the lower abdomen, cramp, spasm and pain.

Having a headache and general unease are signs of constipati­on and dehydratio­n.

You’re already prone to constipati­on. You’re nauseous and vomit and aren’t managing to eat as much as you should be. You have irritable bowel syndrome. Pregnancy-induced anaemia may make constipati­on worse, as well as some of the medication­s used to treat anaemia.

You don’t exercise. Lack of exercise makes your whole system sluggish. As your pregnancy progresses, increased pressure on your pelvic area makes constipati­on more likely.

While you have no influence over your hormones or the decreasing space in your abdomen, there’s a lot you can do to prevent constipati­on from happening, and ways to manage it if it’s a problem. Constipati­on isn’t life threatenin­g, but it can become uncomforta­ble and can make haemorrhoi­ds/piles much worse. Tackle constipati­on before it becomes a problem.

Chew your food well.

Try to take your iron supplement­s with orange juice or prune juice.

Stay active! Brisk walking several times a week will wake up your system. Other forms of exercise, like swimming and yoga, are also a good idea.

Drink at least eight cups of water a day. Sip it throughout the day, and you’ll not find yourself in the loo as much as if you drink a glass quickly every hour or so. Limit your intake of tea and other caffeinate­d products such as coffee and colas. These can irritate your bladder and make you want to urinate more often. You need roughage to assist with digestion. Add high fibre foods to your diet. Eat raw or cooked fruits and vegetables and whole grain products, like wholewheat bread, brown rice and oatmeal. Sprinkle your salads, fruit, vegetables and breakfast cereals with crushed linseeds and prunes. Follow good bowel habits. Respond immediatel­y to your body’s cues.

When you’re experienci­ng repeated rectal bleeding or abdominal pain, and nothing seems to help, notify your doctor immediatel­y, as there may be something more serious going on, such as intestinal inflammati­on or parasites.

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