Zululand Observer - Monday

Newspaper headline bloopers


Amphibious pitcher makes debut (Venditte becomes rst pitcher to pitch with both arms)

Study shows frequent sex enhances pregnancy chances

Psychic arrested again - still didn’t see it coming

Iraqi head seeks arms

Is there a ring of debris around Uranus?

Prostitute­s appeal to Pope

Panda mating fails – veterinari­an takes over

NJ judge to rule on nude beach

Child’s stool great for use in garden

Dr Ruth to talk about sex with newspaper editors

Organ festival ends in smashing climax

Eye drops off shelf Squad helps dog bite victim Dealers will hear car talk at noon

Enraged cow injures farmer with ax

Lawmen from Mexico barbecue guests

Miners refuse to work after death

Two Soviet ships collide – one dies

Two sisters reunite after eighteen years at checkout counter

Nicaragua sets goal to wipe out literacy

If strike isn’t settled quickly it may last a while

War dims hope for peace

Smokers are productive, but death cuts ef ciency

Child’s death ruins couple’s holiday

Death causes loneliness, feeling of isolation

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