Zululand Observer - Weekender

Fraudulent driver’s licences and job scam exposed

- Wellington Makwakwa

A DRIVER’S licence scam in the region robbing many victims of their last cents has been uncovered.

Angry victims, mainly from Dumisani Makhaye Village, have lodged criminal charges against the alleged con artist.

The 26-year-old man apparently promised many residents jobs, driver’s licences and even company registrati­ons, provided they paid a R3 000 fee to his company.

‘He said we would get free learner’s licences after paying him his fee.

‘These licences were supposed to secure jobs as educators in his company, Izimpande Developmen­t,’ said a female victim.

‘We are struggling and the promises of jobs appeared attractive. Most of us raised the money and paid it into his bank account, happy with the prospects of better things to come.

‘But when it was time for us to receive driving lessons and jobs, he had many excuses.

‘He would say the car had problems or that issues had to be settled within the company and asked for our patience.

‘We then went to his address but had the shock of our lives when we discovered it was a residentia­l home belonging to an unknown man.

‘We also checked the company, only to find he was not part of the organisati­on and the company had no idea about any licence operations,’ they said.

After cases were opened against the conman at the Empangeni police station, Izimpande Developmen­t distanced themselves from the scam.

‘He is not a member of our company. He came to us wanting to join the company, but was refused,’ said company’s co-founder, Gabi Xulu.

Izimpande Developmen­t said they are also seeking legal advice and will take action against the conman.

King Cetshwayo Police Cluster spokespers­on Capt Mbongeni Mdlalose confirmed several cases of fraud have been opened.

Even though victims claim the man was arrested during a sting operation last week, Mdlalose could not confirm this.

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