Zululand Observer - Weekender

Royal wedding a lesson to our monarchy


The wedding on Saturday of Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle drew world-wide attention.

Royalists and even those with a passing interest watched for hours as the TV stations broadcast the nuptials.

Many travelled thousands of miles to even get a glimpse of the entourage passing through the streets, while wedding memorabili­a was sold by the millions of pounds.

Besides this being a marriage between two normal people in love, this was also a massive British PR exercise and a tourism attraction of note.

Which brings me to my point: why is it that overseas royalty are granted such high esteem by the general public while the royalty of our own country are minimised, overlooked and even condemned by so many?

After all, the history and heritage of our Zulu kings and lineages can rival that of any other for character, excitement and grandeur.

We have a rich tapestry and tradition of battles, loves and human drama; people and places linked to our ongoing history.

But we complain about the budget, and the ‘wasted expenditur­e’ on palaces and staff, instead of viewing them with pride and using them as marketing and tourism resources.

Oh, and to those who might want to point out any human weaknesses and flaws among our royalty – just do a bit of research on the kings, queens, princes and princesses of other nations!

We have an untapped tourism jewel in our midst.


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