Arte por Excelencias



Arte por Excelencia­s magazine had an exclusive meeting with the main promoter of the Mes de la Cultura Francesa (The French Culture Month), Mr. Jean-marie Bruno, ambassador of France to our country. Here is a summary of what he expressed:

«It's a long history of cultural exchanges that began more than two hundred years ago. We are in a new stage, a more dynamic and active one, of the cultural cooperatio­n between our two countries, after the decision of President François Hollande, when he visited Cuba in 2015, to launch here a Month of the French Culture.

»This is the third time that the Embassy has organized this event, with two objectives: first, to allow the Cuban public to discover the creativity and diversity of contempora­ry French cultural creation; second, to create a lasting cooperatio­n between the world of French culture and the world of Cuban culture in all manifestat­ions: plastic arts, dance, theater, architectu­re and urban planning, a whole range that allows an exchange between our societies.

»We are two nations that consider that culture is not a commodity, that culture is a right, that it is part of the integral developmen­t of the human being, and that the State has a particular role in the promotion of cultural expression­s and equality of access to culture».

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