Costa Blanca News

'Brexit' bunting - no such thing

'Brexit' prejudice portrayed in UK tabloids is nothing of the sort

- By Irena Bodnarec

Bar owner had blamed Brexit for having to take down flags

BRITISH bar owner Tracey Walker has stirred up a hornets nest by claiming that local police victimised her by ordering her to take down the Union Jack bunting she had outside her bar, Little Britannia on Carrer Bon Retiro, just off the walking street in the Old Town or face a €800 fine.

Her post on social media was as follows “Well what can I say Spanish local police strike again. My bar Little Britannia old town has had British flags outside for almost 2 years, now all of a sudden it’s not allowed. Talk of victimisat­ion. Double standards springs to mind” which attracted over 200 comments.

The British press picked up on the posting and embellishe­d the statement with headlines such as ‘Flutter Outrage’ stating that Tracey and her regulars fear the ban was sparked by anti-UK feeling over Brexit.

CBN contacted Tracey for comment to be told, “I was not fined” and ‘All lies” referring to the newspaper articles in The Sun and The Mirror.

However, not all is quite as it seems. A local police officer arrived early in the morning, who according to staff from other bars ‘was really nice’ telling them that a complaint had been filed about the flags and that everyone had to remove them, not just the Little Britannia.

The previous week a Spanish bar in the next street had in fact been fined for having flags outside so there was absolutely no discrimina­tion against the Brits as has been claimed.

On top of that, the flags at Little Britannia were also tied to electric cables, which the police officer pointed out as a potential fire hazard. All the other bars along the street removed them with no issues.

Walking past on Tuesday afternoon, new Union Jacks had re-emerged on the front of the Little Britannia in obvious defiance but no other bars on any of the streets in the old town have flags outside – apart from a string of LGBT rainbow flags outside CODE Café on the next street. Many are angry as the story is implying that the Spanish police are targeting the Brits, which couldn’t be further from the truth here.

The Sun also states that ‘she’ – referring to Tracey, has hired a solicitor to fight the ban.

However, in contrast over on the Rincon de Loix side of Benidorm, almost every bar has Union Jack flags flying outside with no issue.

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 ??  ?? No problem with Union Jack's in Rincón de Loix
No problem with Union Jack's in Rincón de Loix

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