Costa Blanca News

'Super agency' to hit tax fraud

A new inspection­s department will target people breaking the law

- By Dave Jones

A new inspection­s department will target tax dodgers

THE REGIONAL government’s ‘souped up’ tax agency (Agencia Tributaria Valenciana) will launch a crackdown on tax evasion, according to Valencia vice-president Mónica Oltra.

Sra Oltra explained that the regional parliament has approved a statute which ‘establishe­s the structure and organisati­on’ of a stronger and more modern agency.

It will have more resources and ‘greater ability to organise’.

She noted that the initiative will allow more workplace inspection­s to target employers and business owners who are committing fraud.

A new inspection­s department will draw up a plan to tackle the problem and ‘profession­al teams’ will move on those who are breaking the law.

The team will carry out the fining procedure for those found to be committing fraud.

At the same time the enhanced agency will take on ‘tax functions’ which it had not been able to carry out before due to the lack of resources and were delegated to other agencies.

Additional­ly, a new informatio­n technology department will increase efficiency and allow the agency to ‘manage all the functions related to taxes’.

These measures will permit the regional government to increase its income from taxes and make more money available for frontline services, claimed Sra Oltra.

She said the redesigned agency will ‘contribute to the better funding of the region’ and increase their autonomy.

 ??  ?? Mónica Oltra explains the initiative
Mónica Oltra explains the initiative

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