Costa Blanca News

Big big cat rescue

Over the past four years, AAP Primadomus rescue centre has taken in 50 big cats including lions, tigers, leopards and pumas; the majority of which came from circuses.

- By Shelley Liddell

ZOULA, an adult lioness recently arrived at AAP Primadomus big cat rescue centre in Villena after having spent 16 years in a small French circus. Her owner had asked a French vet in Britany to euthanize her, but as she was relatively young and was only really suffering from being overweight, instead the vet contacted AAP (Animal Advocacy and Protection) convincing the owner to sign an agreement to donate Zoula to the AAP Foundation: along with an obligation not to acquire or use wildlife in their shows anymore.

Zoula is currently in the AAP Primadomus big cat quarantine area. The veterinary staff have put her on a diet and she will be able to go out and exercise as soon as her quarantine is over. As with humans, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle directly impact the weight gain of animals. Being overweight can cause diabetes, cardiovasc­ular disease and joint problems.

Circus lions, although they are constantly pacing, cannot not exercise their muscles correctly as they are transporte­d in tiny trailers. As well as having an impact on their physical form, more worrying is the impact caused by circus life at a behavioura­l level. During the shows, lions do not act according to their own ethology (behavioura­l biology) as instead of hunting, tracking or dozing, they end up performing absurd pirouettes.

Over a 4-year period, AAP Primadomus has rescued 50 big cats (tigers, lions, leopards, pumas). 80% of these animals came from circuses. The work done by the organizati­on with other NGOs through the Infocircos coalition has been spectacula­r: 10 autonomous regions and 500 municipali­ties have banned circuses with wild animals.

However, the animal protection and defence work of AAP cannot stop. On one hand, hundreds of wild animals are still trapped in travelling circuses. raising awareness - both social and political - remains essential.

On the other hand, lions that have lived for years in small cubicles need a centre to rehabilita­te. They cannot return to nature, but at least in the AAP Primadomus rescue centre they can be rehabilita­ted, thus minimizing the aftermath of a lifetime at the hands of a tamer.

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