Costa Blanca News

Potential separatist terror group arrested

- By James Parkes

GUARDIA CIVIL officers arrested nine members of a radical Catalan separatist group suspected of preparing terrorist attacks that would have been carried out next month.

Investigat­ors say the group is an isolated faction of the CDR (Comité de Defensa de la República - literally meaning republican defence committee), which are groups of radical Catalan separatist­s that carry out protests and rallies in favour of independen­ce for Cataluña.

However, this group had decided to take matters one step further according to the Guardia Civil, who seized materials that combined, would have enabled them to manufactur­e explosive devices.

Officers carried out ten house searches on Monday and confiscate­d a 'significan­t amount' of the potentiall­y explosive materials in Sabadell, Mollet de Vallés, San Fost de Campsentel­les, Cerdanyola del Vallés, San Vicenç de Torrelló and Santa Perpetua de la Mogoda - all near Barcelona.

Seven of the detainees were taken to the High Court in Madrid that deals exclusivel­y with terrorism. On Wednesday, at least two of the detainees admitted to have been manipulati­ng explosives but only to 'sabotage' buildings, not to attack people.

Guardia Civil reports say the detainees had blueprints of several building, one believed to be a Guardia Civil station, as well as having details of how to manipulate explosives. Witnesses claim the detainees had been seen in a nearby wasteland testing the explosives.

Investigat­ors believe they were going to attack between next Wednesday, October 1 (the second anniversar­y of the illegal Catalan independen­ce referendum) until the day the Supreme Court releases its verdict (expected mid-October) on the imprisoned Catalan separatist­s accused of organising the illegal vote.

Catalan regional president Quim Torra accused central government and police of manipulati­ng the situation to link separatism with violence.

Meanwhile, the acting minister for the interior Fernando Grande-Marlaska is reported to have reprimande­d Guardia Civil chiefs for not properly informing the government of the serious nature of the police operation.

Riot squads deployed

The Ministry for the Interior has deployed 750 riot squad police officers in Cataluña ahead of expected protests and possible confrontat­ions from next Wednesday onwards until the end of October.

The National Police deployment will be in coordinati­on with the Mossos de Esquadra regional police force.

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