Costa Blanca News

Nutrition & Cancer

What causes it and what cures it

- By Grahame Milton-Jones

The word “cancer” is able to generate fear in almost every member of society. Yet cancer is a relatively recent medical problem. It is like describing death by electrocut­ion; it did not happen just a few centuries ago. Cancer was only first diagnosed 350 years ago; before then no one was aware of it, presumably because it was so rare.

Why has cancer gained such a fearsome reputation? Is it because modern medicine, despite the billions thrown at it, seems unable to find a cure. Certainly, western medicine does not have the answer, despite the fact that the answer is in plain sight. Eastern medicine is not as bound to follow the same route as western medicine and so happily mixes different approaches.

Western medicine is all about pharmaceut­ical companies, their funding of hospitals and the training of doctors. Since early 1900s, the only hospitals and trained doctors are those that follow the pharmaceut­ical route even though pharmaceut­ical companies have no solution to cancer.

What is cancer?

Cancer is the body’s own cells that have gone out of control, multiplyin­g without following the rules. They are stem cells that every body has in the millions but where the normal control mechanisms that every body possesses do not function sufficient­ly.

All cells have a programmed death (Apoptosis) cancer cells do not

A bit more detail. Every cell contains mitochondr­ia which are the batteries that give people energy. If these batteries are weak, damaged or not functionin­g properly, the result is mitochondr­ial dysfunctio­n and cancer. When a stem cell’s mitochondr­ia is damaged, they can change the way that they use glucose for energy. Normal cells burn glucose in the same way a car engine uses petrol. Cancer cells ferment glucose in the same way that wine is produced.

When cancer cells ferment glucose (which is very energy inefficien­t) they produce lactic acid as a by-product (makes the body acidic). This is then converted back into glucose by the liver, and the cancer cells have another go at it.

The statistics for cancer are horrific. In the UK alone during 2014 to 2016 there were an average of 364,000 new cases per annum. The number of cases has increased since 1990 by 10%. Approximat­ely 50% of cancers are detected in their late stage. The UK has a cancer rate greater than 90% of all other countries worldwide. Cancer represents 28% of all death and approximat­ely one third of these deaths are due to cachexia which is the wasting away of the body.

There is an overwhelmi­ng correlatio­n between weight and cancer. According to the British Nutritiona­l Foundation 41% of men are overweight and 26% obese; 33% of women are overweight and 24% obese.

What causes cancer?

Though it would be easy to blame overweight for cancer, it is not as simple as that. Cancer is caused by pollution, lifestyle and diet causing stem cells to mutate and become cancerous. Stress is not a direct cause but aggravates the situation. Alcohol itself does not cause cancer but results in a sugar overload unless taken into account in the total calorie intake. Normal cells die due to apoptosis (skin cells only last about 3 weeks), cancer cells live until their host dies.

What is the solution?

Despite diagnosing cancer 350 years ago, the solution did not start arising until the early 1900s. Professor John Beard (1838-1924) discovered that stem cells that were out of control were what is called cancer. He believed that the pancreatic enzyme Trypsin was deficient and enabled cancerous cells to grow out of control. His work was so important that he received the Nobel prize for his work in 1906.

In 1931, Professor Otto Warburg (1883-1976) carried out work resulting in the understand­ing of how cancer cells ferment glucose instead of burning as in normal cells. They can consume glucose without the presence of oxygen. This was a major discovery for which Warburg received a Nobel prize in 1931.

Dr Johanna Budwig (19082003) took up the challenge and in the 1970s postulated that treating the body with high quality oil (flax seed oil) could reactivate the mitochondr­ia and cure the body of cancer. Her results were excellent and she was nominated for a Nobel prize 6 times but was never awarded one.

More recently, Dr Max Gerson has extended the research and proposes that detoxing the body together with a vegan diet and fresh juices would cure cancer. His regime includes coffee enemas to make the liver detox, and the diet would cause the fat cells to release toxins.

It has been demonstrat­ed that cancer cells ferment glucose and produce lactic acid as a by-product. This not only makes the body acidic but is very inefficien­t. (Normal cells are 15 times more energy efficient.) The result is that the person becomes very tired and the body very thin to the point of anorexia. The condition is known as cachexia and is responsibl­e for over one third of all cancer deaths. The liver can be instructed not to convert lactic acid back into glucose and thereby starve cancer cells; the medication used is hydrazine sulphate. Hydrazine has been proposed by Dr Joseph Gold for many years and has a positive effect on cachexia.

The solution to cancer is to make the body do what it was designed to do. Give it the right environmen­t and tools and it can heal itself. This has lead many knowledgea­ble doctors to state that cancer is the most manageable disease.

The main thrust of treating cancer should therefore be to remove toxins from the body, return to a much healthier diet plus take some supplement­s that help the body manage its glucose levels.

Specific actions could therefore be:

1 Adopt a ketone style diet which is good quality fat orientated, with NO sugar, low carbohydra­te and minimum protein.

2 Carry out a 4 day fast to kick start the regime; a fasting mimicking diet would be easier.

3 If the ketone diet is also calorie deficient, it will initiate the two important states, autophagy and apoptosis.

4 Minimise meat and grains as they both risk leaky gut syndrome with the resultant inflammati­on.

5 Adopt an alkaline diet (if not ketone) to return the body to a ph of 7.3. Cancer cells are acidic but cannot survive in an alkaline body.

6 Limit or cut out alcohol; it contains too much sugar. In the UK the average 29 to 64year-old takes in 10% of his daily calorie intake as alcohol. Spirits are low in sugar, mixers are very high.

7 Stop smoking. To carry on is suicidal.

8 Take hydrazine sulphate if there are any signs of the body wasting away.

In conclusion

The best way to avoid cancer is not to get it in the first place. By improving the diet and lifestyle, cancer can be avoided and cured. Therapy MUST be taken seriously, halfhearte­dly going about treatment is of no use. The ketone diet (or similar) is a good place to start; the effects of autophagy and apoptosis are enormous. If someone has later stage cancer, care must be taken with autophagy, it is possible that it can strengthen cancer cells rather than starve them.

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