Costa Blanca News

Safety is key to charity shop opening

- By Jack Troughton

Jalón Valley Help aims to be back in business on July 1 when its three charity shops will open their doors for the first time since lockdown.

Safety is key to the ‘new normal’ and the shops in Jalón, Alcalalí, and Orba will all have undergone a deep clean - boosting confidence and protecting the team of volunteers and customers.

Income generated by the shops is vital to Help and its ability to provide crucial services in the community; the coronaviru­s emergency has thrown the calendar of fund raising events into chaos.

Help’s president Elaine Horton is determined all the premises are as safe as possible; ozone machines will be installed to eliminate all viruses and bacteria in the bid for a ‘clean air environmen­t’.

In addition, volunteer staff will be provided masks, gloves and sanitiser; customers will be invited to obey social distancing rules and wear their own masks, while disposable gloves and sanitiser will be provided.

And prior to opening all current stock will be removed and replaced with freshly sanitised items.

“Whether you like it or not, we live where we live and it’s an aging community,” said Elaine. “What has struck me is the concern everyone has got; I understand it, it is genuine but there are people who are frightened.


“We want to make people feel as safe as possible and we have a responsibi­lity to the community in which we live. We have to show we are responsibl­e to get people - our customers - to trust us.”

However, she said it was important for Help to start earning to maintain its own services and the support it provides for other good causes.

“Like all charities, we have taken a huge financial hit and we know there are tough decisions we will have to make,” said Elaine. “Other smaller charities depend on us; but at the moment it’s questionab­le whether we can afford that.

“You have a situation where everyone predicts a second wave. If that happens and we have a second extended period of lockdown, our priority is keeping the charity alive to pick it up at the end.”

She added: “We are weathering the storm but god help us if there is another major spike. At the moment the message is on July 1 we are open and we are safe.”

Help is also looking for donations of stock for the shops; knowing people have spent some time during lockdown clearing unwanted items ‘from the dark corners of their homes’.

The Jalón Valley Help van will be parked outside the shops this month to receive goods. These will be stored and sanitised before appearing for sale. The vehicle will be outside the Orba premises on Mondays, Alcalalí on Tuesdays, and Jalón on Fridays.

 ??  ?? Inside Help’s Orba shop
Inside Help’s Orba shop

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