Costa Blanca News

Spain on alert to tackle local flare-ups

With national Covid-19 figures under control, the main concern are local flare-ups that have forced a return to phase two rules in some areas

- By James Parkes and Dave Jones

SPAIN'S daily Covid-19 infection and fatality figures are under control as the entire nation has completed the transition to 'new normality' following the lockdown exit plan.

However, the government's main concern now – as in other EU countries – is local flare-ups that have been located in practicall­y every region in Spain.

The worst so far is in four neighbouri­ng areas in Huesca and Zaragoza provinces, which have been forced to ‘step back’ to phase two of the exit plan (imposing tighter restrictio­ns on catering establishm­ents and the number allowed in social gatherings).

The Aragón regional government stated yesterday (Thursday) that it was under control thanks to the quick work carried out by public health ‘tracers’ who have managed to locate all those infected and their close contacts.

Health minister Salvador Illa warned: "The virus is still there and can hit us."

For this reason, the health ministry is preparing a protocol which help regional government­s crack down on flare-ups as under current legislatio­n they do not have the authority to limit mobility (restrictio­ns ended when the state of emergency expired on Sunday).

Measures to tackle flare-ups and any second wave would be approved in the coming weeks.

Special call for youngsters

The authoritie­s have again called on younger people to adhere to the new normality regulation­s and avoid the scenes of mass street drinking parties (botellón) and overcrowde­d clubs that have so far resulted in several of the flareups.

A true test came on the night of San Juan on Tuesday, traditiona­lly celebrated with huge beach parties and bonfires throughout the country.

Although the public in general followed the rules (including the closure of beaches in some areas), some problems were reported on a beach in Cádiz where hundreds of partying youngsters had to be removed and at several clubs in other towns.

In Menorca, the town authoritie­s authorised a 'small gathering' for the festivity outside a local church, which resulted in a huge one.

Concerns over Madrid airport virus measures

Several parties, including the Madrid regional government, have raised concerns over the Covid-19 safety measures applied at Madrid's main Barajas airport.

Some passengers interviewe­d by TV crews said they did not undergo any checks at all, while others confirmed they had been scanned for temperatur­es and had to fill in the form giving details of their holiday address so they can be tracked if necessary.

The government insists the same measures are being taken at all Spanish airports for internatio­nal flights and are in line with the regulation applied at other airports in the EU.

Madrid regional government claims that in the past month 32 passengers arriving at Barajas were found to have had Covid-19 – and five had required hospitalis­ation.

The health ministry has insisted that testing every passenger (a request made by Madrid region) is 'unviable' due to the amount of air traffic once airlines begin their usual operations.

The ministry has employed 100 extra health officers for duty at airports and ports, and has vowed to take on more next week.

 ??  ?? Iberia aircraft at Madrid-Barajas airport
Iberia aircraft at Madrid-Barajas airport

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