Costa Blanca News

Alfaz Fantasy Football League

- By Eric Malpus Week 30

It's amaz ing to hav e the P remier L eag ue back after three months of no activ ity which also means we can welcome back the A lfaz F antasy F ootball L eag ue. T he two opening g ames in the midweek and the nine P remier L eag ue g ames at the week end g av e the A .F .F .L . a total of 2 3 g oals, nine clean sheets, 2 8 yellow cards and two red ones which were S heffield U nited's J ohn E g an and A rsenal's D av id L uiz , who seems to solicit problems each week .

It's interestin­g to note that there were only just ov er two yellow cards per g ame when the norm is usually ov er three, maybe the crowd does influence referee decisions!

A ll the teams at the top of the respectiv e div isions of the fantasy k ept hold of their ex alted positions. In the main leag ue C hris's P romotion A g ain did manag e to close the g ap on the leaders, A lli B arber to a v ery slender 9 points while H annak ins and S imon's team W olv es will T weet U , also made up g round on the front-runners.

A t the other end of the table, B ob's team T he S trik ers remain stranded at the bottom well behind L una's L iv er B irds by 5 4 points.

In our J unior L eag ue, G ing er Ninjar and L uck y R ed F .C . both scored the same number of points which means the leaders G ing er

Ninjar stay a comfortabl­e points ahead.

H arrison's B oden B oys dropped 7 more points adrift of R omeo's M y D ad S upports L iv erpool at the bottom.

T he break seems to hav e done L iz 's team C ook ies C rew 6 1 no harm as they hav e pulled back 1 6 points on the present leaders D ebbie's F ox y F ilberts at the top of our M ark C arter L adies S ection.

D iz z ie B londe are only 4 points away from C ook ies C rew, then comes the in form Isobel's team T he B luebells who were one of this week 's top scorers with a tally of 4 7 points. A fter four week s away from the bottom spot, L yn's H andbrak e C ity hav e returned to their usual spot.

T he chase for our G olden B oot L eag ue is now in full flow with G raham's L aurel and V ardy putting pressure on P ompey H ammers who are now hang ing on to the top spot by the sk in of their teeth, 5 points being their adv antag e. I feel the big threat to the top 2 will come from B ill's E ast F ifers who are nicely placed in 3 rd spot and are ready to pounce if they slip up.

T he situation at the bottom is q uite intrig uing with two teams inv olv ed, M ark 's T ory B oys U nited are 8 points away from B ob's team T he S trik ers.

I think B ob's S trik ers K ane and V ardy will g et them out of trouble and leav e M ark 's team to pick up the W ooden S poon.

A s ex pected there is no chang e at the top of our C hampion 2 6 of C hampions L eag ue, with A lli B arber running away with it, the fig ht for runners-up spot g oes on between M artin's M arauders and M ax and P addy, only a sing le point div ides them which is in fav our of the M arauders. D own in the basement, L una's L iv er B irds hav e swapped places with G il's K ippax and are just 1 0 points behind.

W e hav e four teams g oing into our monthly wine draw and they are our three top scoring teams with a tally of 4 7 points, A l's 2 nd No H opers, A nne's G olden G irls and T he B luebells.

J oining them will be our lowest scoring team L una's L iv er B irds who only manag es to score 6 points.

M anag er of the month will be for two week s in M arch and two week s in J une and will still be sponsored by G ary and Nik k i at the D runk en D uck in A lfaz , who serv e up ex cellent E ng lish food and a superb S unday roast.

W ith one week to g o E ric's P eak y B linders hav e a frag ile one point lead ov er V al's S ol V alley M arauders also in contention for this super meal for two are R achel's B lue M urder and C hips C hoice.

W ith g ames coming thick and fast it's important to find out how your team is performing as we hurtle towards the end of the season by log g ing on to our website which is www.alfaz

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