Costa Blanca News


Valencia is bringing in ‘coercive measures’ to force people to comply with rules

- By Dave Jones

THE VALENCIA government is set to approve a decree today (Friday) setting out a new fining regime to cover the regulation­s on the use of face masks brought in at the weekend.

Valencia president Ximo Puig said the new legislatio­n will hit ‘businesses and associatio­ns’ which do not follow the rules, as well as members of the public.

Under national government regulation­s brought in at the end of the state of emergency, only individual­s who flouted the rules have faced a fine of up to €100.

The new rules from Valencia state that face masks have to be worn at all times in public in the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellón – with some exceptions (see story on p5).

With new flare-ups of coronaviru­s affecting many parts of the region, Sr Puig said people have to be ‘very strict in complying with rules on mask use, social distancing and hygiene.

Due to this they are having to bring in ‘coercive measures’ to force people to comply with regulation­s designed to stop the spread of the virus.

“The best way for us to reactivate the economy is to halt the virus, and that is fundamenta­l for this government,” he said.

THE NUMBER of new cases of coronaviru­s has more than doubled when compared with last week’s figures.

On Wednesday councillor for health Ana Barceló noted that 57 people had tested positive in the Valencia region, compared with 23 on the same day last week.

Of these nine were in Castellón province, 18 in Alicante province and 30 in Valencia province.

The increase in infections has led to a sharp rise in the total number of ‘active’ cases in the region – up from 299 on July 15 to 546 this Wednesday.

However, the number of patients being treated in hospital has fallen in the last week – down from 67 to 59.

But more of them are requiring treatment in intensive care – up from four to nine (four in Alicante and five in Valencia).

One person has died in the last week from the virus.

Sra Barceló noted that the profile of patients is changing, with cases quadruplin­g since the end of lockdown in people aged 20 to 40.

Local flare-ups

Sra Barceló said that six new cases have been reported in San Juan, ‘which are related to social contact in nightlife areas’.

On Tuesday in Santa Pola regional health department officials tested 450 young people for Covid-19 over an outbreak connected to the Oasis discothèqu­e

The health department had asked all people who attended the nightclub on the evenings of July 10, 11 or 12 to attend the tests to check that no more infections have occurred.

So far five people have tested positive after a work night out at the nightspot.

Another four cases were reported in Santa Pola on Wednesday which are related to nightlife areas, but are not believed to be connected to the Oasis disco.

On Tuesday, the health authority reported four new cases in Benidorm caused by ‘social contact’, which brought the number of cases in that flareup to eight.

For a report on a large outbreak in Gandía – see p21.

Murcia region

Strict measures have been brought in to reduce the increasing rate of infections related to nightlife in Murcia region.

Indoor areas of pubs now have to close at 22.00 and terraces at 02.00. Indoor disco areas cannot open – only those clubs with outdoor areas.

Karaoke events have been banned and dance floors cannot be used.

 ?? Photo by Angel García ??
Photo by Angel García
 ??  ?? Testing in Santa Pola this week over the Oasis disco
Testing in Santa Pola this week over the Oasis disco

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