Costa Blanca News

Dogs and beaches


Website comment

July 24 Helen, in the 1960's I was registered by the British Kennel Club so believe I have some knowledge of our canine friends. Your little dog does not need to go for walkies on beaches. Indeed, it is a bad place for them. Sand gets between their pads & causes intense irritation, peebles can be sharp & cut the pads, seawater is very bad for their coats. Perhaps you let him race around off the lead, just imagine the horror to other people if I let off my 4 German Shepherds. Spain used to have all dog free beaches until the British wore them down & they gave in.

Do dog owners imagine the tide will wash away any poo their pet deposits or even think that a small child may well build a sand castle from sand containing urine? Your pet will be quite happy to be taken for a nice walk on a lead around streets & be able to be properly discipline­d whilst doing so. I live further north than you & find the Dutch, Germans & Scandinavi­ans who have used my Kennels, mostly agree that beaches should have remained dog free & indeed I believe are happy to spend their euros in Spain also.

Alice need their assets most. I will say no more on that subject, other than you cannot make your will after you have died and that such matters should not be put off until tomorrow.

All persons in the position that this lady now finds herself should seek proper legal advice at the very earliest and here I mean even immediatel­y following ones marriage and certainly where they have children for whom guardiansh­ip, general wellbeing and education has to be considered.

David R. Burrage

The article was written by Jack Troughton who responds:

The story was shared with CBN and its readers as a warning and to raise awareness of a potential problem that has now become an expensive courtroom saga. The easiest - and possibly cheapest - solution would have been to obtain a UK and Spanish power of attorney - the former can be completed with an internet form - or an internatio­nal POA. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

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