Costa Blanca News

Curtains for cannabis club

Guardia Civil were aided by the local police in Almoradí

- By Dave Jones

THE OPERATORS of a cannabis club have been arrested for peddling drugs.

Officers raided the premises in Almoradí, along with two homes in Daya Nueva and Torrevieja, where they seized marijuana, cocaine and cash, reported a Guardia Civil spokesman.

They launched the operation Ancla23 (anchor 23) at the beginning of this year when it was suspected that the private club was being used a front to sell drugs.

The spokesman explained that a long period of investigat­ion followed in which they were aided by the local police force in Almoradí.

According to the spokesman, officers were ‘able to establish that the premises were being used as a sales point for illegal drugs in a hidden manner’.

Once they had finished gathering evidence, the director and the secretary of the club were arrested – Spanish nationals aged 23 and 26 respective­ly.

The force’s canine unit was brought in to help with searches of properties linked to the club.

Officers found one kilo of marijuana buds, five grams of cocaine, 65 ready-made ‘joints’ prepared for sale, precision scales and €810 in cash.

The two suspects and the material seized were ‘put at the dispositio­n of an Orihuela court’.

The spokesman said that the suspects have been charged with drug traffickin­g

and a judge bailed them both to appear in court at a later date.

The club premises have been sealed off by the Guardia Civil.

The force has reminded that private cannabis clubs are legal entities but they are not allowed to ‘traffic illegal drugs’, which is ‘totally prohibited’.

The operation allowed the Guardia Civil to ‘take illegal drugs out of circulatio­n’, said the spokesman.

 ?? Photos: Guardia Civil ?? The entrance to the club
Photos: Guardia Civil The entrance to the club
 ?? ?? Cash, drugs and others items that were seized
Cash, drugs and others items that were seized

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