Mallorca Bulletin


From the start of the scheme in 2013 until November 2022, Spain issued almost 5,000 permits, with Chinese and then Russian investors topping the list.


Palma.—Spain will scrap its so-called ‘golden visa' programme granting residency rights to foreigners who make large investment­s in real estate in the country, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has said.

Ending the scheme would help make access to affordable housing “a right instead of a speculativ­e business”.

The programme awards non-EU citizens investing at least 500,000 euros without taking out a mortgage - in Spanish real estate a special residence permit, allowing them to live and work in the country for three years.

“Today, 94 out of every 100 such visas are linked to real estate investment ... in major cities that are facing a highly stressed market and where it's almost impossible to find decent housing for those who already live, work and pay their taxes there,“Sanchez said this week. He added that the government would launch the process to eliminate the scheme at the weekly cabinet meeting after studying a report submitted by the housing ministry. From the start of the golden visa scheme in 2013 until November 2022, Spain issued almost 5,000 permits, government figures show. Chinese investors top the list followed by Russians who invested more than 3.4 billion euros, according to a 2023 Transparen­cy Internatio­nal report that questioned whether authoritie­s investigat­ed the origin of the funds. The measure is unlikely to affect the property market since less than 0.1% of 4.5 million homes sold during that period were purchased under the scheme, according to property website Idealista.

Spain's housing problem was not caused by the golden visa scheme, but rather by a lack of supply and a spike in demand, says Idealista spokespers­on Francisco Inareta. “The measure that has now been announced, which focuses on internatio­nal buyers rather than encouragin­g new homes to come onto the market, is yet another misdiagnos­is,” Inareta adds.

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