Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Protect pets from New Year blast

Letters to the Editor


This year too is speeding to an end and soon the dawn of the New Year will be upon us. It is time for us to anticipate that the burst of crackers heard everywhere will culminate in one terrific blast at the dawn of the New Year, shocking the old and sick and terrifying animals and birds whether in cages or perched on trees.

It is time again to appeal to pet owners to be extremely mindful of their animals. Dogs are the most vulnerable because nearly every household has a dog, but sadly not many owners take the trouble to protect them from the terrifying year-end blast. It is best that your pet or watch dog is not left outside in the garden to face the terrible blast. An animal in a cage must not be tied with a chain as well because in struggling it can strangle itself. If the dog is to be out in the garden, closing the gate is not enough. Drains, open spaces in the garden walls must be checked. We hope owners will allow their pets some space in the house to prevent their escape through fear.

When they run out, dogs often get knocked down by vehicles and are killed or badly injured. Others run aimlessly and are viciously attacked by dogs of the area. They fall a prey to merciless dog thieves who are suppliers to unscrupulo­us breeders of imported dogs. Dogs never fail to protect their owners and we owe it to these faithful friends to protect them in turn. SAGARICA RAJAKARUNA­NAYAKE


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