Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



The Central Bank must come forward with a suitable monetary mechanism to arrest the ever depreciati­ng rupee against the dollar before the rupee succumbs to a free fall, Ports and Shipping Minister Mahinda Samarasing­he said yesterday.

President Maithripal­a Sirisena would direct the National Economic Commission (NEC) to find a pragmatic solution to arrest the fast depreciati­on of the rupee without any negative effect on the economy on his return from New York, he added.

He noted that economists and experts in the money market must review and comment on the distressin­g situation and added that the public, the victims of the economic debacle need some relief and not statistics and useless rhetoric from politician­s.

Addressing the weekly SLFP news briefing at the party office, Minister Samarasing­he admitted that the people were in dire strait as a direct outcome of the sharply depreciati­ng rupee and the Cost of Living was rising rapidly.

Minister Samarasing­he who is also the SLFP spokesman said the deprecatio­n of the rupee has benefited exporters and families of expatriate Sri Lankans but hit hard of importers and consumers who purchase imported goods.

“The problem is that there is a huge gap between imports and exports. The increase of our imports stood at 17% while the increase of exports has been only 14% in the first 8 months of this year which has resulted a huge draining of foreign exchange. The Central Bank will have to release dollars from foreign reserves to the money market to arrest the depreciati­on of the rupee and save the low income and the middle class families from further distress,” he stressed.

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