Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



- By Malinda Seneviratn­e

There are no two ways to think of the environmen­t. This doesn’t mean there’s only one way. There are in fact countless ways of understand­ing and engaging with the world around us. The environmen­tal cake, so to speak, can be cut in many ways; according to the ‘needs’ of the moment, envisaged futures, cultural habits, philosophi­cal frameworks, theories of being etc. It’s a cat, so to speak, that can be skinned in many ways and in fact is being skinned in many ways as we write.

We need not go into all that here. What needs to be done is to examine the extremisms with respect to the environmen­t. Broadly speaking there are two kinds of extremisms. One could characteri­ze them as follows.

There’s the human-centrist school which sees everything outside the species as dispensabl­e or as having potential to serve human interests. ‘Human’ here needs to be fleshed out a bit; many things are done in the name of entireties but in fact they serve the interests of one or few and usually a particular category of people. Theories are constructe­d to justify carefully suppressin­g or footnoting the uncomforta­ble. For example, the term ‘imponderab­le’ is used and so too ‘externalit­y’. Throw those out and we get neat equations such as demand and supply curves which intersect at ‘price’. Sure, pressure from objectors have forced such theories to be refined and be accorded a veneer of inclusivit­y, but they are not fooling too many people.

Justificat­ion comes in the form of utopias that are aggressive­ly marketed. The ‘poverties’ of the present are used as alibis and goodies called progress and developmen­t are swung like carrots in front of the impoverish­ed. The entire story is not told. Not all costs are talked about. Instead we are sold ‘imperative­s’. And if anyone dares talk about uncomforta­ble truths such as global warming or climate change then the entire discourse is shifted to scientific exchange where those with bucks and power get to commission and thereafter market ‘value-free truths’ supposedly obtained scientific­ally.

It’s all in the name of ‘The People’ and Mister Progress

Then there are those at the other extreme who sometimes operate as though human beings should not disturb the natural process at all. They protest (nothing wrong in that), they litigate (nothing wrong in that) and they talk of dire consequenc­es. They too, ironically, bring in ‘the future’ but of course in a more worried tone.

Human beings have always had to deal with the world around them. In fact no creature is self-contained. The trick is to figure out a mode of engagement that is wholesome, something that of course detracts by the very fact of engagement but at the same time consciousl­y supports regenerati­on. Let’s return to this later.

There are people who argue, cogently, that a certain degree of economic prosperity is necessary before a nation can shift to a green economy (another easy and abused term by the way). A country like Sri Lanka, even if it retired environmen­tal concerns for the next decade, cannot impact the global environmen­t in any significan­t way (let’s ignore for now the story of little drops of water and little grains of sand). It can be argued also that if developmen­t is dumped in favor of environmen­t, the price will have to be paid by the poor and this will invariably transform into environmen­tal costs that are worse, at at best, pretty much the same.

These arguments are articulate­d in discussion­s on a wide range of subjects, especially when it comes to energy, waste disposal, industries and agricultur­e. Costs, benefits, renewabili­ty and recovery rates feature significan­tly in the debates.

Lost in all this is an overall framework of what ‘developmen­t’ truly means. Where are we heading or rather what kind of destinatio­n would we like to walk towards? What are the costs we are willing to pay? What kind of benefit-package would we be satisfied with? What are the parameters and who gets to decide and impose them?

Strategy is what’s missing. We have the laws and regulation­s. They are framed by political prerogativ­es and ideologica­l preference­s. They are in effect footnoted. They are taken in isolation. By the way, that’s part of the process of control and extraction; compartmen­talization is a neat term for divide and rule after all. Set developmen­talists against environmen­talists and systems of destructio­n and exploitati­on remain secure — it can suffer some hair-splitting at the periphery and indeed needs such hairsplitt­ing.

There’s no bottom line. Well, there is, but it’s thick. It has to contain the health of the planet (no, not just the nation), the health of the people currently alive and those who are yet to arrive. We need to talk about decent, healthy and environmen­tfriendly lifestyles. We need to revisit the discourse of freedom and limitation­s of the same. We have to recognize that politics (and therefore power) is part of the story and devise strategies that consider such factors instead of meekly submitting to them or pretending they don’t exist. We have to factor in the reality of corruption. There are loopholes and there’s bulldozing through barricades. We cannot legislate against all these, but we can find different ways of empowering rational, civilized and responsibl­e objection. This is the only planet we have. This is the only life I have. It’s all you have too. Life would include concerns and aspiration­s, not just for self but for friends, families and larger collective­s we identify with. All this is part of the story. The people, the nation, the present and future are subverted by caricature, extremism, compartmen­talization and distractio­n. Potential candidates need to be clear, comprehens­ive and committed. Over to you, Messers Nagananda Kodituwakk­u, Rohan Pallewatte, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Patali Champika Ranawaka, Ranil Wickremesi­nghe, Maithripal­a Sirisena and any other individual entertaini­ng hopes of becoming the next President of Sri Lanka.

Malinda Seneviratn­e is a freelance writer. malindasen­evi@gmail.com. www.malindawor­ds.blogspot.com

Human beings have always had to deal with the world around them. In fact no creature is self-contained. The trick is to figure out a mode of engagement that is wholesome, something that of course detracts by the very fact of engagement but at the same time consciousl­y supports regenerati­on

There’s no bottom line. Well, there is, but it’s thick. It has to contain the health of the planet (no, not just the nation), the health of the people currently alive and those who are yet to arrive. We need to talk about decent, healthy and environmen­t-friendly lifestyles. We need to revisit the discourse of freedom and limitation­s of the same.

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