Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Rosy Periwinkle


Among the many plants that are used to treat ailments and illnesses in Ayurveda medicine, several of them are used to treat special conditions such as cancer. Often seen as a plant in the wild, the Rosy Periwinkle, locally known as Minie Mal is one of them. One cannot simply avoid its brightly coloured petals and many of you may have definitely seen it along the roadside. Hence, this week we will discuss about the Rosy Periwinkle in detail.


It is an evergreen shrub which grows up to one metre in height. The leaves are oval and long. They are broad and have a glossy green texture and are arranged in opposite pairs. The flowers are white to dark pink with a darker red centre. The fruit is a pair of follicles. The Periwinkle has two types – foliage periwinkle and the annual periwinkle. In the wild, the Rosy Periwinkle is an endangered plant; the main cause of decline is habitat destructio­n by slash and burn agricultur­e. The species has long been cultivated as a herbal medicine as well as a flowering plant.


Cancer: Rosy Periwinkle contains Vinblastin­e and Vincristin­e, two medication­s used in chemothera­py. Hence it has an anti-cancer attribute which helps it to combat and prevent cancer.

Diabetes: This plant has antidiabet­ic properties which regulates blood sugar levels and prevents diabetes. Skin diseases: Rosy Periwinkle is a skin toning herb that promotes glow and rejuvenate­s the skin. Inflammati­on: The antiinflam­matory attribute of Rosy Periwinkle helps it to relieve inflammati­on and related conditions.

Depression: Rosy Periwinkle is another remedy that is used to counter conditions such as depression.

Astringent: Astringent herbs are those that contract body tissues and Rosy Periwinkle is known to be one of them. These herbs are used when tissues are weak.

Asthma: Rosy Periwinkle is known to ease breathing problems in asthmatic patients and helps to cure it.

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